About us

NICER is a University Research Centre. It undertakes research to inform the contribution of faith to the public understanding of education, to aid the mission of Church schools and education in Church communities, to develop and improve religion and worldview education and to support the work of Christians in education.

We use qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research approaches in that work and have developed novel approaches to investigating school ethos, character and curriculum in Christian schooling. We receive funds from charities and other grant-making research bodies for our work, supported by the University’s commitment to the centre.

We collaborate with colleagues from across our university and also with specialists from other leading universities and research centres from around the world. We act as a hub to promote international Christian education research at the highest level, through seminars and conferences.

A key part of our work is in encouraging Christian education leaders in doctoral research to bring together the insights of the professional and the quality of doctoral-level study. Our University offers doctoral scholarships in this area.

Latest articles from our blog

Nexus researching church toddler groups

Thursday March 07, 2024
https://researchspace.canterbury.ac.uk/97272/nexus-researching-church-toddler This research project emerged from previous NICER research projects looking at the spiritual development of secondary-age students and the spiritual nurture of primary school pupils in the Nexus. The […]

Faith in the Nexus: How do adults nurture children’s spirituality in church toddler groups?

Thursday December 07, 2023
Faith in the Nexus: How do adults nurture children’s spirituality in church toddler groups? This webinar looks at how the adults within church toddler groups intentionally or unintentionally nurture young […]

The Beginning Teacher in the Science Religion Encounter

Friday June 02, 2023
End of Project Online Event This project is a research project led by Canterbury Christ Church University with 5 other universities, funded by Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0375) as part […]

Science Religion Encounters end of project event

Friday May 26, 2023
Colleagues we now have a date for our Science Religion Encounters finish event. It is online and all of the information is here. Please do sign up if you are […]

Academic Writing

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Open Live Session: Emeritus Professor John Sullivan Monday 12 June 2023 14.30 – 16.00 Canterbury Christ Church University North Holmes Road Campus, CT1 1QU Laud Building, Room Lg 27 Refreshments will […]

The Christian Academic in Higher Education

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Open Live Lecture and Discussion Emeritus Professor John Sullivan Tuesday 13 June 2023  09.00 – 10.30  Frederick Mason Room St Martin’s Priory, North Holmes Road, Canterbury, CT1 1PW  Refreshments will […]

A vision for Christian education – Watch the 2023 Theological Lecture: Professor Trevor Cooling

Monday March 27, 2023
Christians can model a warm sense of covenant and hospitality in how they provide education on behalf of the state, leading educationalist Professor Trevor Cooling said on Monday evening (20th March) as […]

What Do We Mean By Christian Education?

Thursday March 23, 2023
Professor Trevor Cooling gives a lecture at Calvin College, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, which captures the work and thinking of NICER.

An short note on a Christian theological vision of education

Thursday March 23, 2023
Professor Bob Bowie The new approach to SIAMS calls on Church schools to have a theological vision of what they are about. A theological vision is more than a mission […]

Mary Woolley writes in the BERA Blog

Monday February 06, 2023
Mary Woolley, Senior Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University writing in the BERA Blog about Science and religious education teachers’ perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school […]